Monday, May 25, 2020
The Potential Threats And Risks That Have Home And...
IV. Overview of the many possible threats/risks that both home and corporate WIFI networks will need to overcome to provide the desirable level of security. A. Data Interception – anything that spreads outside your house or business can possibly be captured by non-authorized recipients. This can be done within a couple hundred feet or even much farther with a directional antennas used. (Phifer, 2010) B. Denial of Service - WIFI is by its nature completely vulnerable to DoS. One of the issues is that all users share the same frequencies, making competition unavoidable in high population areas. But beyond the non-intentional issues, fake messages can be sent to disconnect users or task the AP resources and monopolize channels (Phifer,†¦show more content†¦(Phifer, 2010) H. Endpoint attacks - attackers now are relooking to directly compromise WIFI endpoints by taking advantage of defective WIFI drivers to execute buffer overflows. (Phifer, 2010) I. Evil Twin Access Points - fake APs that advertise the same network name (SSID) as a genuine hotspot or business WIFI. (Phifer, 2010) J. Wireless phishing - clever hackers can even use the Evil Twin or open hotspot to poison the WIFI client Web browser cache. (Phifer, 2010) V. Options for enterprise level WIFI encryption, virtual private networks (VPNs) and various other methods and tools for securing. A. Establish WIFI Security. 1. WPA2-Enterprise. While WPA2 Personal is designed for personal and home usage and it isn’t the most secure choice. Admittedly, it is much simpler to install and use than WPA2 Enterprise. However, WPA2 Enterprise provides a much better authentication stage (WPA2 Enterprise vs. Personal, 2014). WPA2 Enterprise can not only be setup to allow for standard password authentication, but also can be configured for password and/ or digital certificates. With WPA2 Enterprise, if a WIFI device is lost or compromised, the credentials can be revoked or changed. With WPA2 Personal, you would have to change the password manually on all devices in the same situation. Also, because WPA2 Enterprise uses dynamic and unique keys, it
Friday, May 15, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Marketing Management - 4010 Words
Ch 1 Question 1 Which of the following statements is correct? a) Marketing is the term used to refer only to the sales function within a firm b) Marketing managers usually don t get involved in production or distribution decisions c) Marketing is an activity that considers only the needs of the organization, not the needs of society as a whole d) Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large Question 2 The term marketing refers to: a) New product concepts and improvements b) Advertising and promotion activities c) A philosophy that stresses customer value and satisfaction d) Planning†¦show more content†¦Which if the following is NOT a marketing management philosophy? a) Customer orientation b) Profitability orientation c) Marketing orientation d) Competitor orientation Question 20 In order for exchange to occur: a) A comple x societal system must be involved b) Organized marketing activities must also occur c) A profit-oriented organization must be involved d) Each party must have something of value to the other party Ch 2 Question 1 Which of the following is NOT part of the external marketing environment? a) Political b) Legal c) Product d) Socio-cultural Question 2 Car (automobile) designers world-wide began working on plans for a dual energy car when: a) They realized that such a vehicle was not only feasible, but inexpensive b) The legal tolerance for noxious emissions from automobiles began to be reduced c) Noise pollution regulations began to be passed that would outlaw the internal combustion engine d) Sweden passed a law that said all new vehicles had to have a provision for pedal-power Question 3 A firm has decided to alter its pricing and promotional strategies in response to slower than expected job growth and declining personal incomes. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Art Still Life Essay Sample free essay sample
Still life is a type of painting. It’s a image of objects that don’t move. The creative person looks at objects. like vases. fruit. bottle’s flower’s and surveies the manner the light hits the objects. the shadow’s and the form. Archie Forrest is a Scots creative person. who was born in 1950. Archie attended the Glasgow school of art in 1969 and left in 1973. He so spent 7 old ages learning pupils as an art coach. In 1985 he stopped learning and wholly devoted him clip. to doing art. Forrest’s work is really popular and has appeared in many different galleries throughout Scotland. He is now aged 62 and still continues to lend his work. ‘Wee group’ is an illustration of Archie’s work. The pulling consists of many random objects on an old wooden tabular array. The spectator chiefly focuses on the tabular array. as all the objects are found on it. We will write a custom essay sample on Art: Still Life Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The object used are. assorted fruits scattered about. a vase with many different colored flowers. a unambiguously patterned jug and an old clothe hanging off the border of the tabular array. This is an interesting combination. as these objects would non usually be found together. The drawing is split up into three subdivisions. the foreground. the background. and the midground. The underneath of the tabular array is the foreground. the objects on the tabular array are the midground. and the background is a field and tiring wall. It’s besides sectioned utilizing horizontal and perpendicular lines. The manner the fruit is placed makes a horizontal line. the tabular array. fabric. jug and vase are all perpendicular lines. The objects that make up the drawing are all in really similar colorss. like warm picket pinks. blues and picks. The horizontal objects are all in really different sunglassess from the perpendicular objects. the horizontal objects are bright orange. ruddy and green. The image as a whole has a warm feel to it. As the background and midground colorss are pale sunglassess. like calcium hydroxide viridity and pick. this makes the picture less intense. However even though the colorss used for the fruit are bright and bold. it still doesn’t take away from the pictures composure and relaxed subject. The objects merely contrast with the remainder of the pulling to pull attending to them. A strong black tone is used in the background and foreground of the image and each of the objects are clearly defined with a black lineation. doing them seem 3D. The darkened background brings in the foreground and makes it hold depth. The fruit is overlapping the jug. conveying the fruit forward and the jug backwards into the background. A batch of the fruit is besides overlapping. giving all the objects distance across the tabular array. The texture of the picture seems smooth as he uses objects that would be smooth in existent life. He makes the fruit seem absolutely round and glistening. Whereas the tabular array looks ragged and unsmooth. every bit good as the wall in the background. There’s an obvious alone form on the jug. repeated curves and lines are used to give the fruit and vase form. It looks like he’s been controlled and relaxed when pulling this. The picture to me seems really relaxed and unagitated. due to the colors Archie used. The objects on the tabular array. although they are placed indiscriminately in no peculiar order. still look tidily arranged so the picture seems orderly non mussy and loud. I don’t believe Archie Forrest has made a immense part to his motion as he is s till populating. The 2nd image I choose to analyze is. ‘still life with Earthenware and bottles’ by Van Gogh. Van Gogh is a really well-known creative person who was born in 1883. he grew up in Holland. His household were really spiritual as his male parent was a curate. When Vincent left school. he decided to follow his uncle’s calling as an art trader. Although he was happy with his work. he grew tired of the art trade. It wasn’t until 1880. aged 27. that he genuinely started to go an creative person. He attended the ‘academe Royale des Beaux arts’ in Brussels. Belgium. He immediately fell in love with art. Although he would travel on to pull more than 900 pictures in the following 10 old ages. he was neer to the full appreciated in his life-time. It was merely after he took his life in 1890 that his work was discovered and went on to act upon many creative persons to come. In this image there are two bowls. a vase. a pigment coppice. 3 bottles and an eatherw ane pot. The two smaller pots are positioned at either terminals of the tabular array. The largest pot is in the centre of the image and inside it there is the pigment coppice. They are all sat on an old looking brown tabular array. Because the bottles in this picture appear far off. we would state at that place in the background. the two bowls at either side of the picture expression closest to us. so they are in the foreground. The midground subdivision is the tabular array as it appears deeper than the foreground but non every bit deep as the background. The image itself is rather dark. Except the blue and white bowl. this stands out against everything. The image is built up of chiefly brown tones. He juxtaposed the green coloring material of the bottles in the background with the dark ruddy coloring material of the bowl in the Centre. This image is broken down into many simple soft forms they all round off at some point. The forms are average sized. except the little bowls at the side of the image and the bowl which is rather big and in the Centre of the picture to pull attending to it. The texture of the picture seems smooth and elaborate. like he’s concentrated on it a batch. He’s drawn these objects in round gestures to give them form. It looks like how it would experience in existent life. Color in this image. seems to melt from the underside of the picture to the top. making this gives the picture distance and makes it look far off. The largest form convergence with the two objects on the sides giving it depth. This image makes me experience baffled as he uses dark tones and colorss. but he besides uses a bright blue for the bowl. So I don’t know whether to experience happy or sad. I think van Gogh felt this manner to. I besides think he felt relaxed as his brushstrokes seem orderly smooth like he’s concentrated on it. Since Van Gogh’s decease he has made a immense part to art. he has influenced many creative persons and the manner art he has changed the manner art is done today. Archie and Van Gogh are two really different creative persons. Looking at Van Goghs work he was celebrated for his bold. dramatic brushstrokes that convayed his feelings. demoing he went through alot of emphasis. However archie pictures seem much more concentrated. he seems like a laid back. relaxed type individual. Very unlike Van Gogh who lived an dying and brainsick life. Van Gogh besides tended to utilize really dark sunglassess. he really seldom used bright colorss. but archie uses all different types of colors. both really bright and really dark. Although archie is in his early 60’s and still produces new art work. he has non yet made a immense part to his clip but Van Gogh. although dead. still continues to this twenty-four hours to act upon immature creative persons.
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