Thursday, August 27, 2020
Comparative Corporate Governance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1
Near Corporate Governance - Essay Example Aside from the administration system it likewise incorporates the legitimate, institutional, moral and administrative structure of the network. Corporate administration is likewise answerable for the responsibility to capital suppliers. It manages the contentions between the administration and the speculators. In a wide point of view, corporate administration is characterized as the manners by which an association is managed, controlled and coordinated (Corpgov, 2012). The corporate administration standards have demonstrated a pattern towards a developing assembly. Development of globalization supported by mechanical progression has permitted the partners to keep up a nearby connection and network with the organization (Carati and Rad, 2000). The appearance of web availability has made the worldwide business advertise an open stage, where the partners can without much of a stretch think about between various administration standards followed in various associations. The majority of the organizations work in context of global partners, where the financial specialists of a specific organization have a place with various societies. Therefore the organizations expected to embrace an ordinarily acknowledged and internationally utilized corporate administration framework. The intermingling of the corporate administration is to ensure that all the partners, representatives, and the administration work in a united route in order to make an incentive to the association and all related individual (Strandberg, 2005). Beforehand, the administration procedure was just centered around the firm’s consistence to set guidelines and guidelines. In the long run the procedure has advanced from box-ticking way to deal with a social change, which permits the association to not just ensure that it is moving the correct way yet additionally it guarantees esteem option for the partners. The significance of partners has become a significant worry for the organizations, as they speak to the essential determinant of the authoritative achievement (Vogt, 2007). Among the partners the
Saturday, August 22, 2020
In may 2010 the people of britain elected a new government, which was Essay
In may 2010 the individuals of england chose another administration, which was a notable second in British governmental issues. Clarify what has ch - Essay Example Following one year of intensity individuals have now started to gauge the adjustment as far as their yearnings and aspirations emerged. Despite the fact that it may be viewed as somewhat right on time to assess the change, in any case the change is yet not as apparent as masses wanted it to be. Extraordinarily, the adjustment in understudy expense structure has disillusioned a vast greater part of open. The raise was completely sponsored by the Conservatives and in part by the Liberal Democrat MPs. The fundamental thought is to give colleges progressively monetary freedom to confront the difficulties of the mechanical headways and different changes at worldwide level and in this way improve the nature of training. As the Prime Minister David Cameron has said in a meeting, â€Å"We won't return. See, regardless of whether we needed to, we shouldn't return to the possibility that college is free.†(Guardian, 2010) Thought the plan is acceptable behind the adjustment in expense s tructure yet it isn't progressive as the vast majority of the pundits have called attention to. The greatest suitable yearly expense is presently ?9,000 which is a lot for some poor understudies. The colleges have appeared there plan to build the charges to a most extreme suitable breaking point which can antagonistically influence the training framework. The freedom gave by the legislature to these colleges is supposed to be more than the needful.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Tips for Writing Research Abstracts
Tips for Writing Research AbstractsResearch abstracts are one of the most popular methods of evaluation for students. It is a method that makes use of the skills and knowledge of a researcher to present a result in a brief, well-defined statement of findings.Abstracts help determine the degree of the research project. They also guide the student's subsequent work. If they are prepared correctly, they can be an effective tool for getting credit or the grade needed for graduation.Research abstracts are usually written as a detailed report on a single particular research study. They do not normally take the form of a short report but instead present a complete description of the entire study. In order to write an abstract, the researcher will need to know the study the abstract refers to. The project should include the amount of data collected, the sample of people studied, the question that was asked, the methods used, the results of the research, and the conclusions.A researcher will also need to come up with the structure of the research abstract. The abstract should consist of three parts. First, it should be composed of a title. This should include the name of the journal where the abstract was published, the name of the author, and the journal or periodical.The second part is the body, which is the most important information. It should provide the name of the study, the number of people who were included in the study, the participants' ages, and any other information that would be useful to the reader. Finally, the third part is the conclusion. It should provide the information that the reader needs to know in order to judge the research study.Research abstracts will be evaluated by the peer reviewer. The peer reviewer will decide whether the abstract is accurate and should be considered for publication. The peer reviewer will read the abstract and compare it to other published papers for similar studies.Once the abstract has been reviewed by the peer review , it will be sent to the editors for publication. The editor will decide whether the paper should be accepted for publication. In many cases, the editor will accept the paper without any corrections.In some cases, the editor may require some changes to the paper's number of people or the topic of the study. Once the paper is accepted, it will be published. This will then become the article.
Monday, May 25, 2020
The Potential Threats And Risks That Have Home And...
IV. Overview of the many possible threats/risks that both home and corporate WIFI networks will need to overcome to provide the desirable level of security. A. Data Interception – anything that spreads outside your house or business can possibly be captured by non-authorized recipients. This can be done within a couple hundred feet or even much farther with a directional antennas used. (Phifer, 2010) B. Denial of Service - WIFI is by its nature completely vulnerable to DoS. One of the issues is that all users share the same frequencies, making competition unavoidable in high population areas. But beyond the non-intentional issues, fake messages can be sent to disconnect users or task the AP resources and monopolize channels (Phifer,†¦show more content†¦(Phifer, 2010) H. Endpoint attacks - attackers now are relooking to directly compromise WIFI endpoints by taking advantage of defective WIFI drivers to execute buffer overflows. (Phifer, 2010) I. Evil Twin Access Points - fake APs that advertise the same network name (SSID) as a genuine hotspot or business WIFI. (Phifer, 2010) J. Wireless phishing - clever hackers can even use the Evil Twin or open hotspot to poison the WIFI client Web browser cache. (Phifer, 2010) V. Options for enterprise level WIFI encryption, virtual private networks (VPNs) and various other methods and tools for securing. A. Establish WIFI Security. 1. WPA2-Enterprise. While WPA2 Personal is designed for personal and home usage and it isn’t the most secure choice. Admittedly, it is much simpler to install and use than WPA2 Enterprise. However, WPA2 Enterprise provides a much better authentication stage (WPA2 Enterprise vs. Personal, 2014). WPA2 Enterprise can not only be setup to allow for standard password authentication, but also can be configured for password and/ or digital certificates. With WPA2 Enterprise, if a WIFI device is lost or compromised, the credentials can be revoked or changed. With WPA2 Personal, you would have to change the password manually on all devices in the same situation. Also, because WPA2 Enterprise uses dynamic and unique keys, it
Friday, May 15, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Marketing Management - 4010 Words
Ch 1 Question 1 Which of the following statements is correct? a) Marketing is the term used to refer only to the sales function within a firm b) Marketing managers usually don t get involved in production or distribution decisions c) Marketing is an activity that considers only the needs of the organization, not the needs of society as a whole d) Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large Question 2 The term marketing refers to: a) New product concepts and improvements b) Advertising and promotion activities c) A philosophy that stresses customer value and satisfaction d) Planning†¦show more content†¦Which if the following is NOT a marketing management philosophy? a) Customer orientation b) Profitability orientation c) Marketing orientation d) Competitor orientation Question 20 In order for exchange to occur: a) A comple x societal system must be involved b) Organized marketing activities must also occur c) A profit-oriented organization must be involved d) Each party must have something of value to the other party Ch 2 Question 1 Which of the following is NOT part of the external marketing environment? a) Political b) Legal c) Product d) Socio-cultural Question 2 Car (automobile) designers world-wide began working on plans for a dual energy car when: a) They realized that such a vehicle was not only feasible, but inexpensive b) The legal tolerance for noxious emissions from automobiles began to be reduced c) Noise pollution regulations began to be passed that would outlaw the internal combustion engine d) Sweden passed a law that said all new vehicles had to have a provision for pedal-power Question 3 A firm has decided to alter its pricing and promotional strategies in response to slower than expected job growth and declining personal incomes. The firm is responding toShow MoreRelatedMarketing Management1190 Words  | 5 PagesUse of the newspapers, radio, magazines, television and brochures, are some of the traditional marketing modes. Technological advancements have brought about new and efficient advertising means. Web marketing relates to application of internet tools in marketing of products and services such as online publications, video and audio files among others posted in websites. Online coverage last longer and can be retrieved in future (24/7) by interested customers. Newspapers and magazines are only boughtRead MoreMarketing Management : A Marketing Manager1372 Words  | 6 PagesI want to become a marketing manager. A marketing manager is someone in a company who directs and is in charge of promoting and advertising the company s products. Marketing managers would have to create campaigns and be organized. Additionally, they plan out how the product will be communicated with the customers. They are in charge of making sure the campaigns stay on budget and are profitable. In order to become a marketing manager I need to get a bachelor’s degree and go to a four year collegeRead MoreMarketing Management2703 Words  | 11 Pages * Home * Business * Small Business Information * Marketing * Marketing management Marketing/Marketing management Advertisement Expert: Leo Lingham - 10/7/2009 Question Sir could you please answer the following two questions for me? I need your help in answering these. PLease reply me as soon as possible. 1. Marketing management an artistic exercise and therefore highly subjective versus marketing management is largely a scientific excercise with well established guidelinesRead Moremarketing management863 Words  | 4 PagesMARKETING MANAGEMENT (MB106) – OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS (ONE SET) MBA I SEMESTER 1. Which of the following is central to any definition of marketing? a. Making a profit b. Making a sale c. Demand management d. Transactions e. 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Define Marketing, distinguish between Selling and marketing. What are the four components of Marketing Mix, briefly explain. ? Ans1. WHAT IS MARKETING? What docs the term marketing mean ? Marketing must be understood not in the old sense of making a sale - selling - but in the new sense of satisfying customer needs. We define marketing as a social and managerial process by whichRead MoreInnovation And Marketing Of Marketing Management Essay1300 Words  | 6 Pagesinnovation? The Importance of Innovation and creativity in advertising/marketing industry Creative advertising and marketing management is necessary in order to have a complete understanding of how producers and sales companies work effectively. While advertising performs the communicative function of informing consumers about a company’s product or services, creative advertising also attracts people to the market, marketing management is a much more complex managerial process. Today, in current globalizedRead MoreMarketing Management3028 Words  | 13 PagesUnstated, Delight, Secret Types of Marketing Environments Task - includes the actors engaged in producing, distributing, and promoting the offering Broad – demographic, environment, economic, social-cultural, natural, and technological environment Holistic Marketing – based on the development, design and implementation of marketing programs, processes, and activities that recognize their breadth and interdependencies. Everything matters in marketing – a broad, integrated perspective is oftenRead MoreMarketing Analysis : Marketing Management1566 Words  | 7 PagesJoseph Anchor BME-213804-01 Marketing Management Professor Jordan Fructer April 10th, 2016 Conventionally, before a consumer buys a product, he/she will follow a sequence of events known as â€Å"hierarchy of effects.†It all starts with the consumer being aware that the product exists. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Art Still Life Essay Sample free essay sample
Still life is a type of painting. It’s a image of objects that don’t move. The creative person looks at objects. like vases. fruit. bottle’s flower’s and surveies the manner the light hits the objects. the shadow’s and the form. Archie Forrest is a Scots creative person. who was born in 1950. Archie attended the Glasgow school of art in 1969 and left in 1973. He so spent 7 old ages learning pupils as an art coach. In 1985 he stopped learning and wholly devoted him clip. to doing art. Forrest’s work is really popular and has appeared in many different galleries throughout Scotland. He is now aged 62 and still continues to lend his work. ‘Wee group’ is an illustration of Archie’s work. The pulling consists of many random objects on an old wooden tabular array. The spectator chiefly focuses on the tabular array. as all the objects are found on it. We will write a custom essay sample on Art: Still Life Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The object used are. assorted fruits scattered about. a vase with many different colored flowers. a unambiguously patterned jug and an old clothe hanging off the border of the tabular array. This is an interesting combination. as these objects would non usually be found together. The drawing is split up into three subdivisions. the foreground. the background. and the midground. The underneath of the tabular array is the foreground. the objects on the tabular array are the midground. and the background is a field and tiring wall. It’s besides sectioned utilizing horizontal and perpendicular lines. The manner the fruit is placed makes a horizontal line. the tabular array. fabric. jug and vase are all perpendicular lines. The objects that make up the drawing are all in really similar colorss. like warm picket pinks. blues and picks. The horizontal objects are all in really different sunglassess from the perpendicular objects. the horizontal objects are bright orange. ruddy and green. The image as a whole has a warm feel to it. As the background and midground colorss are pale sunglassess. like calcium hydroxide viridity and pick. this makes the picture less intense. However even though the colorss used for the fruit are bright and bold. it still doesn’t take away from the pictures composure and relaxed subject. The objects merely contrast with the remainder of the pulling to pull attending to them. A strong black tone is used in the background and foreground of the image and each of the objects are clearly defined with a black lineation. doing them seem 3D. The darkened background brings in the foreground and makes it hold depth. The fruit is overlapping the jug. conveying the fruit forward and the jug backwards into the background. A batch of the fruit is besides overlapping. giving all the objects distance across the tabular array. The texture of the picture seems smooth as he uses objects that would be smooth in existent life. He makes the fruit seem absolutely round and glistening. Whereas the tabular array looks ragged and unsmooth. every bit good as the wall in the background. There’s an obvious alone form on the jug. repeated curves and lines are used to give the fruit and vase form. It looks like he’s been controlled and relaxed when pulling this. The picture to me seems really relaxed and unagitated. due to the colors Archie used. The objects on the tabular array. although they are placed indiscriminately in no peculiar order. still look tidily arranged so the picture seems orderly non mussy and loud. I don’t believe Archie Forrest has made a immense part to his motion as he is s till populating. The 2nd image I choose to analyze is. ‘still life with Earthenware and bottles’ by Van Gogh. Van Gogh is a really well-known creative person who was born in 1883. he grew up in Holland. His household were really spiritual as his male parent was a curate. When Vincent left school. he decided to follow his uncle’s calling as an art trader. Although he was happy with his work. he grew tired of the art trade. It wasn’t until 1880. aged 27. that he genuinely started to go an creative person. He attended the ‘academe Royale des Beaux arts’ in Brussels. Belgium. He immediately fell in love with art. Although he would travel on to pull more than 900 pictures in the following 10 old ages. he was neer to the full appreciated in his life-time. It was merely after he took his life in 1890 that his work was discovered and went on to act upon many creative persons to come. In this image there are two bowls. a vase. a pigment coppice. 3 bottles and an eatherw ane pot. The two smaller pots are positioned at either terminals of the tabular array. The largest pot is in the centre of the image and inside it there is the pigment coppice. They are all sat on an old looking brown tabular array. Because the bottles in this picture appear far off. we would state at that place in the background. the two bowls at either side of the picture expression closest to us. so they are in the foreground. The midground subdivision is the tabular array as it appears deeper than the foreground but non every bit deep as the background. The image itself is rather dark. Except the blue and white bowl. this stands out against everything. The image is built up of chiefly brown tones. He juxtaposed the green coloring material of the bottles in the background with the dark ruddy coloring material of the bowl in the Centre. This image is broken down into many simple soft forms they all round off at some point. The forms are average sized. except the little bowls at the side of the image and the bowl which is rather big and in the Centre of the picture to pull attending to it. The texture of the picture seems smooth and elaborate. like he’s concentrated on it a batch. He’s drawn these objects in round gestures to give them form. It looks like how it would experience in existent life. Color in this image. seems to melt from the underside of the picture to the top. making this gives the picture distance and makes it look far off. The largest form convergence with the two objects on the sides giving it depth. This image makes me experience baffled as he uses dark tones and colorss. but he besides uses a bright blue for the bowl. So I don’t know whether to experience happy or sad. I think van Gogh felt this manner to. I besides think he felt relaxed as his brushstrokes seem orderly smooth like he’s concentrated on it. Since Van Gogh’s decease he has made a immense part to art. he has influenced many creative persons and the manner art he has changed the manner art is done today. Archie and Van Gogh are two really different creative persons. Looking at Van Goghs work he was celebrated for his bold. dramatic brushstrokes that convayed his feelings. demoing he went through alot of emphasis. However archie pictures seem much more concentrated. he seems like a laid back. relaxed type individual. Very unlike Van Gogh who lived an dying and brainsick life. Van Gogh besides tended to utilize really dark sunglassess. he really seldom used bright colorss. but archie uses all different types of colors. both really bright and really dark. Although archie is in his early 60’s and still produces new art work. he has non yet made a immense part to his clip but Van Gogh. although dead. still continues to this twenty-four hours to act upon immature creative persons.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
The Range of Data Needed to Be Collected
Trying to understand which Smartphone brand and model is the most popular among students, and why this specific brand and model is the most popular, it is essential to conduct a research applying to the questionnaire.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Range of Data Needed to Be Collected specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The questionnaire should contain the questions which are essential for the research and some particular questions which may help to understand what students need. The range of the data which is to be collected is to be focused on two main questions, which brand and model students need and which criteria they are guided by while making a choice. Here is a list of the major laptop brands and their latest models students may be interested into, BlackBerry, LG, Motorola, Nokia, Sony, Samsung, HTC, and Apple iPhone (UK study, 2010). It is important to check the latest models of each of the b rands to make sure that students are informed about the latest data and all of them stay at one and the same position of being informed. After the model and the brand have already been considered, it is essential to understand the possible key reasons student can have for voting a brand and model. The most varied reasons may be as follows, favorable appearance, appropriate size, necessary weight, positive reputation, user friendliness in use, fit for studying/business/entertainment purposes, correspondence to the personal needs requirements. Some students may have some particular requirements they pursue when choosing a Smartphone based on their private characteristics and needs. Therefore, this is the main data which is to be gathered to understand what Smartphone students want to have. To make sure that all the questions are included in the questionnaire and that al the questions are appropriate, it is essential to create a questionnaire which is going to be offered to students wi th the explanation why this specific question is to be included. A Questionnaire for the Research Subjects Choosing the Smartphone, which of the following reasons are you guided by? Brand image Attractiveness of the Smartphone models Functionality (including appropriate platforms) Your variant This question is helpful in understanding whether students’ choice is based on the reasonable thinking or on advertising. Choosing a Smartphone, students are usually guided by ne primary reason and other ideas just support their choice, will, the main criteria is the only one and the better the researchers understand what this criteria is, the better outcome may be expected.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Which of the mentioned brand/model do you like more? Please tick those you prefer most of all. BlackBerry LG Motorola Nokia Sony Samsung HTC Apple iPhone Your vari ant The information gathered in this question will help the researchers to understand students’ desires in the means of the brand company. Each of the brands is based on the specific platforms which define their functionality. Android, Windows, and Galaxy are the most popular platforms, therefore, choosing the brand, students usually choose the platform they want to work with. The information considered from this question will help determine which brand of the Smartphone will be chosen. What are the reasons which led you to the first choice? Appearance Size Weight Functionality Possibilities Positive reputation User friendliness in use Fitting studying/business/entertainment purposes Correspondence to the personal needs requirements GPS, Wi-Fi, etc. This question helps understand what students expect from a Smartphone, whether the size and appearance are more important or the functionality and the availability of the additional services play a vital role. What would you c hoose, the latest brand which does not correspond to your initial needs or the previous model which comprises all the functional possibilities you need? The latest brand which does not correspond to your needs The past model which comprises all the functional possibilities you need Te information considered from this question will help understand the reasonable choice of students and their practical application of the possibility. Smartphones are going to be presented to the best students and it is important to understand how the new facility is going to be used. Moreover, students will direct the choice of the researchers to the necessary model. Secondary and Primary Research Method(s) Used to Collect the Necessary Data with Merits and Possible Shortcomings Questionnaire mentioned above is the primary research which is to be conducted while selecting the Smartphone model. After the information is synthesizes and analyzed, it would be possible to name the brand and the model of a S martphone which is going to be selected for the present. The primary research should be completed by all third year students (even though who do not have GPA 3.5 at the moment) as there is a possibility that this situation will motivate students to study better. To make sure that the choice of the Smartphone is correct and students will get what they really want and need, it is possible to conduct one more research based on gathering the information about the cell phones students have at the moment. This information will help in understand what students have, whether they are satisfied with their choice or not and what they want to change in their Smartphone. Both primary research works may be organized online to save the time on the research and to give all students an opportunity to answer the questions they want to. The next step the researchers are to complete is to find the shop which will deliver such a great number of the items from the best price. Torres (2012) is sure that the Internet is the best place for buying in this case and it is impossible to disagree with this information.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Range of Data Needed to Be Collected specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The researchers are to conduct a thorough search and to define which of the online shop is the most appropriate. The Internet is full of different offers and the secondary research should be based on the comparison and contrast of the conditions of the purchase and the price. The initial search shows that,, EBay,,,, and are the most spread online shops which may offer the required items. Apart from the search of the appropriate place for buying the Smartphone basing on the price characteristics, it is essential to conduct a research and to find out how each of the services delivers the items and how responsible each of them are about the sold products. The feedbacks should be read with the reference to the company website to understand whether the service can guarantee the warranty. Reference List Torres, M. (2012). Comparison: Buying Online vs. In A Store. TV/Video. Web. UK study: only 10% of Smartphone owners expect to buy a new Nokia (41% want an iPhone). (2010, July 10). Unwired Web. This research paper on The Range of Data Needed to Be Collected was written and submitted by user Doc Samson to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Television then and now Essay example
Television then and now Essay example Television then and now Essay example Communication Revolution Midterm Paper Television has been such an important aspect of people’s lives today. It keeps everyone up to date with important information regarding news etc. It provides entertainment and you are able to watch any show to your liking. The beginning of the television time line started in 1831. In 1923 Vladimir Zworkin patents his iconoscope which is a TV camera tube. This is the beginning of the modern TV. He then develops the kinescope for the picture display which is known as the receiver. Then in 1927 Philio Farnsworth puts the patent on the very first complete electronic television system. Which is also known as the Image Dissector. 1927 Zworkin demonstrates the use of the new complete electronic television system. Also in this year the very first TV studio was open. The image broadcasted out was extremely poor. The very first broadcast which happened in 1939 happened by Zworkin from the top of the Empire State Building. It was showing the New York States World Fair and the San Franc isco International Exposition. Both of these men made a huge change in the beginning of television and it was just a start to how the TV’s are today. ( TV shows in the beginning were all live and performed right then to be shown all who was watching. They didn’t have anything to record shows invented yet. The very first drama television show was the â€Å"The Man With the Flower in his Mouth†it was filmed live in London on July 14th, 1930. There was only three people in this show. This show was then remade in 1967 to have much more lines and to be more of a show. BBC was the first television station where all the original shows were recorded. ( After the WWII TV became such an important source of news to see what was going on in the world then. Also TV sales boomed and everyone who was once in the war was treating themselves to a new TV. In 1952, 15 million homes had TV sets in their home. I n the 1950’s there was a lot of TV quiz scandals. It was found out to be that the shows were all scripted and they were told whether or not to answer correctly or answer wrong. President Eisenhower said â€Å"it is such a terrible thing to do to the public†. No FCC laws were broken but after this scandal they fixed and wrote new regulations to make sure there was a lot more honesty involved with TV game shows. (Kovarik pg 243-244). Broadcast and cable are two totally different ways to view what you want to watch. Broadcast is monitored and regulated whereas cable you pay for what you want to watch. Digital Television (DTV which is also broadcast) is an advanced broadcasting technology that transformed the television viewing experience it offers a better picture and sound quality and more channels to watch. The switch was made in June 2009 from analog viewing. It was known as the Digital Television Transition. Another important part of the switch was that it freed up the line for public safety communications so that police, fire departments and rescue squads can reach the public if there is an emergency. Also some of the broadcasting spectrums allowed for wireless broadband to be accessed. Cable TV is where some of the most entertaining shows are broadcasted on because they have no rules to follow. With TV becoming such a huge new lifestyle there has to be some rules put into place to regulate what is said and put out there on TV. This is where the FCC comes in. â€Å"The Federal Communications Commission regulates interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and U.S. territories. It was established by the Communications Act of 1934 and operates as an independent U.S. government agency overseen by Congress. The commission is committed to being a responsive, efficient and effective agency capable of facing the technological and economic opportunities of the
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Should Children with Special Needs be mainstreamed into Regular Essay
Should Children with Special Needs be mainstreamed into Regular Classrooms - Essay Example e similar to natural hyperactivity but in greater degrees, to the extent of creating a real handicap for children in performing their day-to-day activities .†( p-9).Because certain similarities in hyperactivity exist in a normal child and a child with ADHD some people hold the view that ADHD can be handled with behavior therapies and other psychological counseling. In SEN magazine, a magazine for special education needs, there is a question put up to Dr.Christine Merrell (a member of National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence- NICE) whether she views ADHD as not a medical condition but children behaving badly. She clarifies that it is not caused by â€Å"bad parenting†as is considered in one of the many myths regarding ADHD but â€Å"ADHD is a real disorder with real consequences for the child affected and their family and not simply a case of bad behavior†and if ignored â€Å"can have serious implications for the child in later life.†(23 Aug 2009). Dr.Merrell suggests drug treatment for children with ADHD which should be a part of comprehensive treatment plan that includes psychological, behavioural and educational advice and interventions. In the book â€Å"Teaching Young Children with ADHD†, there is an explanation of the role of neurotransmitters – dopamine and norepinephrine – in ADHD and how the medicines for ADHD act on them. There is a quotation in this book from Garber, Garber, and Spizman’s â€Å"Beyond Ritalin (1996) –â€Å"Learning occurs after an electrical impulse produced by a stimulus is transmitted and moves across a neuron- synaptic course several times. If in ADHD these neural bridges are blocked or incomplete, whatever is being learned does not become automatic.†The medicines of ADHD regulate norepinephrine and dopamine levels thereby improving brain function and self-control which directly help in academics. In children with ADHD, there is a lack of math and reading ability and fine motor skills which prove to be
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Advise Goldcorp Ltd Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Advise Goldcorp Ltd - Essay Example The RoT clause is an agreement that allows the seller of goods to hold ownership/retain title, of the goods until the occurrence of a specified/agreed event; that event being either the payment of supplied goods, or payment of all money owed1. By agreeing to the RoT clause the buyer of the product agrees that until payment of the purchased goods is made the company that is selling the goods holds ownership claim to the goods, and hence can exert that claim anytime it wants. This allows the selling company to protect its investment. During the insolvency proceedings, a RoT ensures return of owed money which otherwise is highly unlikely under the circumstances2. Goldcorp Ltd. has been in regular business with GT Jewelers. Both entered into doing business with each other by signing an agreement that also included a RoT clause, of which both parties were aware. After the GT Jewelers failed to remit payment for the months of September and October while Delivery had been made, Gold Corp Lt d. enforced a RoT to the GT Jewelers. Under the RoT, Gold Corp Ltd have claimed the ownership of: 1 kilo of gold in their vault, stamped with Goldcorp Ltd’s seals, A tank containing 2 kilos of melted gold bullion, 150 gold and diamond engagement rings worth ?5,000 each, and ?25,000 representing proceeds of sale of gold by GT Jewellers Ltd to another jewellery manufacturer. Gold Corp cannot rely heavily and positively on their RoT to claim their goods/money. The absence of certain clauses makes Gold Corp an unsecured creditor thus making the chances of receiving owed payment meak. The Rot fulfills the first most condition of being a valid contract since it was agreed upon by both parties before the business. There are scenarios which can either render the RoT ineffective or simply lead to its termination, the RoT does not consist of any clause signifying the conditions under which the RoT will be void or terminated, thus the RoT holds valid between the two companies3. Gold Cor p Ltd has demanded 1 Kilo of gold, stamped with Gold Corp seal. The company can claim the gold under the clause (i-a) of the RoT. This is a separate goods storage clause which states that until full payment has been received by Gold Corp for all gold supplied to GT Jewellers by Gold Corp Ltd. to GT Jewellers and at whatever time: property in the goods shall remain in the Company and such goods must be marked as belonging to the company and stored separately. This clause allows the Gold Corp Ltd. to reclaim 1 Kilo of gold as they are still unsold and in the possession of the buyer, who under the RoT was obligated to store the goods separately from goods of other parties and in an identifiable position4 till payment had been made by GT Jewelers. Although since the RoT did not consists of an extended clause of ‘allowing the seller to have the right to access the premises of the buyer in order to determine whether the obligation is being complied with’5, there is no assuret y that GT Jewelers actually complied with having stored the unsold good in an identifiable position. Gold Corp Ltd. has ascertained that they claim ownership of ‘a tank containing 2 kilos of melted gold bullion’. Under i-b of the RoT, which states that, if GT Jewellers converted the supplied gold into any new product either by including some other product in the mixture and in whatever proportions such conversion will be considered under the rights of Gold Corp and beneficially and legally ownership will reside in Gold Corp, Gold Corp has legal rights to claim the 2 kilos of melted
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Abuse of power Vs Spiritual Redemption Essay Example for Free
Abuse of power Vs Spiritual Redemption Essay The Tempest is full of different themes that work perfectly to bring out the mastery of Shakespeare. However, two themes that stand out in the play, and they have been the source of much debate over the years. Both themes are backed with incredible, pinpoint accurate evidence over the dominance of the other. Over the years, scholars have found it hard to settle on one theme being dominant over the other, but with an analysis of the evidence presented on both counts, the decision is left to the reader of the play or the audience for that matter. The first theme that stands out is; spiritual redemption and goodwill. It can be explained in the play through the character Prospero whereby he struggles, loses his kingdom, finds another and learns from his past in order not to have history repeat itself. In the world crested by The Tempest, through Prospero, Shakespeare tries to examine the human condition of sin, redemption and goodwill. At the beginning of the play, the audience is made aware that Prospero was a Duke of Milan but his brother Antonio, with the king’s consent, took his Dukedom away from him. During his tenure as Duke, Prospero was more concerned with education and magic than he was ruling his kingdom. For this reason, Antonio was able to take advantage and win over the hearts of the people of Milan, which consequently led to the usurping of Prospero from his dukedom, but with help from the King of Naples. Prospero was then exiled with his daughter Miranda, on a wrecked boat where they ended up on an island. Here, Prospero learned the values of authority by turning Caliban into a slave under his command. At one point, his slave alongside two other men tried to kill him but he manipulated them and changed their minds completely. When the shipwrecked men had been brought to him, he could have chosen to exact his revenge and kill them, but he was kind to them. In so doing, Prospero found redemption for his sin as a previously failed ruler. The other theme that stands out is that of Colonial Abuse of Power. In almost every scene, there is a portrayal of power whereby there is a character that has power over the other. The relationship of Prospero and Caliban is that of master and slave and this stands out throughout the play, where Caliban submits to Prospero. The Tempest brings to light the theme of colonization when in 1610, the Sea Adventure to Virginia ended in shipwreck in Bermuda. Also, the anagram of the name Caliban is derived from the name cannibal which shows a difference in cultures. This also shows that Caliban was the native of the island that Prospero had asserted himself as king. Propsero’s relationship with Ariel also demonstrated the intense theme of power. Ariel is a spirit but she is submissive to Prospero, by saying â€Å"All hail, Great master†In both themes, there is enough evidence to warrant a discussion, but to my opinion, I think that the theme of spiritual redemption and goodwill is most dominant. Primarily, this is because the use and abuse of power is an age-old tradition that never seizes. However, the act of Prospero showing mercy stands out because as royalty, there is a need to show humility and making decisions not out of feeling, but out of reason. Thus, the theme of spiritual redemption and goodwill is most convincing in all manners and rights. Source document
Monday, January 20, 2020
Jazz Dance :: essays research papers
Afterreading the article on jazz dance, I had found out a number of interestingthings that I hadnt known before. I thought it was a dance form that wasfairly new, starting in the early 1900s. I then found out that it actually pre-dates all the way back to theseventeenth century. I also thought itcame from the United States, when it really originated in Africa and wasbrought here by the slaves. The dancingand drumming was such a part of their lives; it was eventually continued by theslaves on the plantations with dancing and the clapping of their hands forrhythm. It was used as a form ofentertainment, as well as enjoyment, and sometimes, even for competition. It wasaround the 1830s when the song and dance of the Africans began being performedin theaters, called Minstrel shows,but the dancers were actually white. Then in the 1860s, blacks were finally aloud to perform in these shows. They became very popular and then diedout in the early 1900s, which lead the way for new shows. The most popular of these being the Vaudeville show. The Vaudeville show, presented a numberof different acts with all different cultures of people and dance, whichencouraged diversity. It served as aprofessional school, a training ground and an experimental station for dancersdestined for Broadway, nightclubs and film.-Richard Kislan. The Vaudevilleera began the emergence of jazz music, which mixed ragtime and blues. The dancers would then begin to connect tothe condensed rhythms of jazz music. Nowjazz incorporates a gathering of styles and movement, which can mean a lot ofdifferent things to different people. When welearned jazz dance in class, I found it hard to keep up at first. I liked the way it looked, when someone whoknew what they were doing, was dancing. I remember changing directions a lot. I also noticed while dancing that you use pretty much every part of yourbody. I thought I would be good at it,considering I am an athlete, and I am tune with my body. But I wasnt, I just felt like so manydifferent things to remember. Maybe if Ipracticed it more, I could pick it up. What I didlike about jazz dance, is how free it is. It really gives you the opportunity to express yourself. Even the guy who came in to instruct us wastelling everyone to perform the moves in your own style. Since we didnt really have any jazz music, Ifound it hard to keep rhythm.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Gideon’s Trumpet Strong point of the book Essay
Gideon’s Trumpet is the ‘story’ of an epic legal battle. I give full marks to this story. It depicts the will power, grit and determination of a simple prison inmate to take on the legal system of USA. He achieved his objective with a pencil and paper and his simple drafting skill. He proved that his knowledge about the law is much more than hundreds of legal luminaries of America put together. He was fighting the mighty force of the State, and it was no ordinary opposition. If a man suffers, he must have the support of a legal provision to redress his grievance. Otherwise the legal system is at fault, not the individual. This is the simple truth as seen by a common man, in the present case relating to Clarence Earl Gideon. I like this book for its important contribution to secure individual liberty and how one man successfully challenged the legal system. The story is the triumph of human spirit versus flaws in the system created and nurtured by human beings. It is the victory of the chair less power (common man) in the fight against powerful chairs (legal and political power). When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. Anthony Lewis is well aware of this principle. His book proves the point. I need to heap additional praise on the contents of this book. His book proves the great and important point. The improbable battle of Gideon leads the Court to give the ultimate decision in his favor. Lewis comes out of the Court Scene to project the human face of the story. Those who think that the legal system is the service tool for the rich and the politically well-connected need to take the appropriate lesson from Gideon. He set such a legal process in motion that would affect the entire legal system of USA. The effect of the case was precedent-shattering. Mr. Gideon is twice-blessed. He has provided a highly motivating case from legal as well as sociological aspects. Another strong point of the book is that it is free from political overtones. The author has confined himself to the legal aspect of the case only. But he has pointed out the limitations and difficulties of the Supreme Court functioning. Valuable lessons can be learnt from his observations. This case gave scope to several reference issues that set the American legal system to change for the better. It examined the question about safeguarding accused from escaping the judicial system due to arbitrary court violations. The second issue decided was, majority of the states supported the issue of providing proper defense.  Such a course of action would be cheaper to the exchequer in the long run instead court cases dismissed on account of legal inaccuracies. This position arose because many litigants in court could claim wrong trial due to improper representation. The third most important issue in the cited case, Adamson vs. California, in which the 14th Amendment was challenged, relates to the Bill of Rights application. Supreme Court ruled it as the violation of all Fundamental Rights within as a violation towards the litigant. Thus, this is a good book for the students of law, especially for those who intend to specialize in Constitutional Rights. Weak points of the case†¦ It is difficult to find weak points in he book from the legal aspect. For, Gideon’s case changed the concept of ultimate justice in USA. The common man got confidence that he too is listened to, and respected. But from the sociological angle, there is a weak point. In the present case, we feel that it is the intelligence of the lawyer that secured a clean acquittal for Gideon, not his innocence. The outcome of the case may encourage the criminals. They will think to commit crime and then it is easy to get away by hiring a good counsel; if you have no means of hiring, the government will do it for you. Once his request to provide a lawyer was agreed by the Court, Gideon became very arrogant. His lawyer Fred Turner had to strictly tell him, â€Å"I’ll only represent you if you will stop trying to be the lawyer and let me handle the case.†Gideon agreed. Gideon was a stubborn prisoner. In spite of his crankiness, and eccentricities, the State spent a huge amount in engaging counsel for him and the precious time of the Supreme Court was used. The successful termination of the case sends a wrong signal to the society. The criminal gets the protection, and the safety of the law-abiding citizen is in trouble. I liked the book†¦. Mr. Gideon has made the remarkable judicial contribution by the simple handwritten application that he sent to Supreme Court. He had a new trial and in the end, he was acquitted. The legal defense, and the question of due process were entirely re-examined and good conclusions resulted. Any conflicting issue is an interesting topic for discussion. Gideon’s case leaves hardly anything for the opposition counsel to argue, unless it is opposition for the sake of opposition. This is a good book; it has the timeless appeal, for the students of sociology. All laws, just because they are the laws of the land, are not faultless. A difficult law implemented in a worst manner is the ultimate calamity for the common prisoner. Such a law, if not amended or withdrawn quickly, can ruin the delicate social structure based on human relationships. It concerns fundamental rights and liberty of the individual. Embroiled in unfriendly system of jurisprudence, the poor class prisoners get physically, emotionally and economically crushed. One finds it extremely difficult to sustain one’s normal balance .In such circumstances one remains desperately in need of some consolation and permanent solution. That was the reason why Gideon sought the solution through his pencil-written application to the Supreme Court. Desperate situations need desperate remedies, and Gideon used one such remedy! It is a brilliant book for students of all streams, especially law students.  Fundamental rights offer the guarantee of legal protection to all the citizens, for which Gideon fought and won.                                                      Reference Cited: Book Review: Gideon’s Trumpet Lewis, Anthony (Author) Book: Gideon’s Trumpet (Paperback) Publisher: Vintage Books USA; Reissue edition (Feb 1989) Language English ISBN-10: 0679723129 ISBN-13: 978-0679723127
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Leadership Qualities Of Ronald Reagan - 1629 Words
Leadership Of Ronald Reagan When looking for an individual with very clear management styles as well as leadership skills that made a significant impact on both the United States and internationally, the first person that came to mind was Ronald Reagan. Not everyone can be both a manager with the ability to direct successfully and a leader with extraordinary proficiencies, but Reagan had the gift. It is not so hard to find a manager with leadership qualities or to find leaders with effective managerial skills. It takes a mix of the right ingredients to be prize-winning in both areas and this can be found in Ronald Reagan. Former President Ronald Reagan was not born with these ingredients, nor were they just handed to him. According to Kim (2011), he did not go from small town boy to ‘leader of the free world’ by accident (p.14). She explains, Reagan faced challenges of various degrees throughout his career – including the devastating divorce from Jane Wyman, the loss of his Warner Bros. acting contract, and his unsuccessful bid for the GOP presidential nomination in 1976. Morrell (2011), then adds that his life slammed into a brick wall with the collapse of his movie career and the termination of his relationship with General Electric. (p. 9) Bad things happen to everyone, it is just a matter of how they deal with these situations. It appears as though Reagan capitalized from them, which at the end of the day made him stronger. Reagan was the underprivileged kid fromShow MoreRelatedRonald Reagan Leadership808 Words  | 4 PagesThere are many definitions of a leader and how their leadership skills can be described. One of the theories developed to study leadership is trait approach. Also known as great man theories, it was developed to explain how traits influenced leadership. 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